The Break Up

Sep 03, 2003 02:41

The event was very scary for me, and extremly time cosuming, but it must have been a long time in the making beacuse of what it felt like after words.
I belive their is no words that i can say to tell you how i feel and felt aboght the situation but let me try.
It started on friday the 29th of September i was at work expecting my fiance of two years and girlfriend of three, to come up and spend some time with me, at my work she said that she would show up about five pm. Well needles to say she did not show, so i waited an hour or so and tried to call her to see were she was at, and to if she was coming up to see me still. All i got was here answering machine so i left a couple meassege and the hope that she would call me back. At about seven pm i started to worry, so i tried to call agin and it told me that the number that i had dialed was no longer in service, I thought that was very weird, I thought there was a problem so i left work very early to go find out what was wrong with fiance.
Well when i got home there was no sighn of here any were in the house at all, and I thought that was very odd.
I asked my roomate amber, If she had seen megan any were? "She said that she came and left, when she left she had a bounch of her close with her and told me to take of the rent for that month."
That is when my brain had started to work on overdrive. I go to my bedroom door to go change my clothes and on the door knob is an envelope with my name on it, and i said to my self great here we go.
Well i open the letter and i dump the contents of the letter on to the table and the first thing to hit the table was the engagement ring that i had given her along with a dear john letter.
In the most famos of lines from a realy great band mudvayne "Its the beging of the end," With that said i feel alot better, know that i have got this off my chest and belive me im not done telling this story to you yet.
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