Gah and Yay.

May 02, 2012 14:34

Gah: The Indigo website keeps being dumb. Trying to apply for a job there and it's saying, "LOL, you can not has." On the bright side, it saves profile information and whatnot so I don't have to put in stuff again. I just need to keep trying, I suppose. I did get an application out for Michael's. Retail stuff, all, but it's where I have experience at least. And there will be more places to apply for, plus I have a basic resume done as various retail places want that too. Not something I had to do when going for jobs in the US, but hey. When in Canada, etc.

Yay: I managed to get Eleanor to 50, in SWTOR, and have thus made Alinor yet again, this time as a cyborg with one of the unlocked customizations. :) I know I like Smuggler stuff so far, at least through level 20-ish, so this won't be hard to do again. Plus, she just looks cool. I did give her a scar this time. :) And have a few more ideas about the background for her as a character.

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