Sep 18, 2006 14:44
How sad is it that I didn't write anything for CI over the summer? Usually I can get out one story but not this year. I did have an idea but I never wrote it down. And it wouldn't have even been a story, it would have been a drabble.
Supernova, well, had a couple of ideas there. I'm still toying with the notion of writing one of my ideas but, I'm just not sure.
And with the beginning of the new season on television maybe I can jump back on the CSI and CSI-M bandwagons. That would be awesome because I haven't written anything about those shows in a long time. Okay, CSI not so long ago but even that was a short story.
And now to the fandom that I have devoted my summer to. Queen. LOL
I literally have... ten more paragraphs to write/type and I am done with Hard Times. Every twenty one chapters! I am going to be excited when that happens. I'll be even more excited when I hear back from the beta.
Aside from the drabbles I've already got several more ideas. At least two more series, both about five-six chapters - I hope. One will be in honour of October and halloween. It's horror-ific! I hope it will be at least. The other is angst! Then I have another halloween story (drabble?) that shouldn't be long. And I still have the inkling of another epic-series in my head.
Siobhan, I'm kind of curious - if you see this that is - if you'd be willing to beta my horror fic. It's centred around our favourite Queenie. XD