I don't know what's wrong with my thumb but I swear, if it's not better by Friday I will take measures to make it feel better. DRASTIC MEASURES. *Cues in ominous music* But at least my jaw is feeling better.
LOST is trying to trick me. Missed the first five minutes of the show (WHY did they change the time on me?) but hopefully I missed nothing important. I already missed not last week's but the week's before episode about Sun and Jin. And that last flash-back scene of Hurley? Totally didn't expect that. And I love it. Hope she's a psycho
Damn, so nervous tonight. They were the bottom three? Total shocker but... no offence, I love Mandisa, but I'm glad Elliott was safe.
And what the heck was that Ford commercial about? I know that those commercials aren't supposed to make sense but... the director was smoking something.