23.13 - back

Jul 25, 2009 23:13


I'm tired so i sleep all day TT v TT
I got this greeny letter which i thought that is some ads or unimportant stuff. But a friend told me IF I DON'T REPLY THAT LETTER I'LL GET CHARGED 1000 EUR like whoa.
so i rushed to post office after i just arrived from Halle and it's stupidly raining all day and i stupidly forgot my umbrella so here i goes - all wet TT v TT

and maaannn i finally go see Leipzigggggg. i really wanted to continue my education here :3 it's pretttyyyy~~~~ and not as crowded like Berlin. ffff. i don't like Berlin that much. really.

and some photosss ;
these are really lame with my stupid camera -- i'll re upload after my friends get her lazy butt off and upload hers since she use SLR :3

I surprised there is something in Leipzig that really looks like CANDI PRAMBANAAANNNNNNNNN
serius, gw kaget pas ngeliat CANDI IMITASI TT v TT
tahun dibuatnya 2002 - 2013 lolllll

lololololl still in progresssssss

some touchy words if you understand german ; v; *too lazy to translate lol*

i have a huge crush with alley.

cool church

leipziger bratwurstman. random photo because i bored. to be honest i never eat bratwurst for some reason :3

Leipzig Hbf. The chocolate-drink here is cheap and BIG. I remember buying those whenever i went to this place.
(often to transit to other cities)


random fortress above. fff low quality photos here - orz sorry i count on my friend's camera all time in Halle soo..

let just skip it. i'll update later after she uploaded all of them TT v TT

ffffff i just noticed i grow bigger after i live in Germanyyyyyyyy. what did i eaaaat????? orz

and she just getting thinner life is crueeel  orz

and lol i met a random-bad-guys who seems doesn't like foreigners that much. they make fun of me.
so they yelled some random words (which i don't understand what that mean) and laughed.

well, i heard those words as this ;
"Können Sie Wa?"
(Do you know Wa?)

i thought a little and i have no idea what they mean. Well they all laughed and repeated those words and said this in the end, "hey nur spass, nur spass" (just for fun) fffff WTF SPASS YOUR ASS. They are all looks so scary like can do anything harsh at the moment. Glad the road is a little crowded so i don't think they'll do anything dangerous.

after they are all go i told my friend that i have no idea what they mean. my friend is like WTF?
"I thought you can speak a little Japanese?"
"Huh? Japanese?"
"They said Konnichiwa - that's why i get mad since we both are not Japanese."


i don't know. not many people like that in my town so it's kindaa strange to be treated like that. sob.

so yeaahhh i miss Jezy so muuuchhhhhh ; v ; i wish dora was with us so we can go crazy like old dayssssssss.

btw i met a german who can speak a FLUENT Bahasa Indonesia. wowwwwww
she understand when we speak in a random un-grammar and unproper words. DD: cool~

happy day, life, photos

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