Aug 22, 2006 23:16
Officialy in the new flat now, but still unpacking. For my furniture needs we have been bundleing down to Ikea on a reguar basis. Dear god, even my sofa is flat packed!
I have noticed one little side effect to moving flats though.
Just one little thing.
I feel totaly drained. Utterly knackered. All I want to do is laze around sleeping, eatting or reading. Not nessasaraly in that order but possibly all at the same time. Seriously, getting out of bed in the mornings has become HELL for me. And I suspect I may have to FORSE myself to socialise, nothing personal guys, its just I can't be bothered to leave the flat. I'm!
Meh, maybe I'm coming down with something.
Worth mentioning it to the doctor, I'm booking an appointment for friday anyways. Need to get tested for exercise related assma.