(no subject)

May 21, 2006 23:51

Well, most of yesterday was spend saving a TINY, FLUFFY BABY BUNNY! Yes it was a big fuss over a little bunny, yes I probably seemed quite mad, yes my friends probably thought I'd lost it and was waisting their time.
Guess what?
Don't give a crap.
The RSPCA switchboard people should all be re-trained, seriously. It took them three trys; once to work out that Southwold wasn't in NEWCASTLE, once to work out that even though we spelt out Southwold and told 'em it was near Lowestoft that we STILL WERE NOT IN SOUTHWOLT IN NEWCASTLE, and once to actualy find Southwold BECAUSE APPARENTLY ITS NOT ON THE GODDAMN FRICKEN MAP! The first time they called us we were told to put it in a cardboard box marked RSPCA and just leave it outside the police station. Okay, tiny baby rabbit, smaller than my hand, nasty gash on the head and blood coming out its ear, possibly fitting, plus shivering with cold due to the fact that it was freezing and raining - sorry, but arn't these people supposed to care about the welfaire of animals?
Eventualy we got away from the switchboard and were put through to a proper RSPCA officer, she was really nice and directed us to the local vets, she even rang ahead for us. Baby bunny, now known as FlipFlop (due to the fact that it flipflopped more than the shoe of the same name, no balence ya see?) was given a slim chance of survival, a couple of injections to stop swelling around the brain and a first class room in an incubator. A slim chance is still a chance, they'll let me know how he is. I think I'm gonna have to write to the RSPCA and moan about their crappy switchboard staff though.
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