Feb 20, 2007 16:51
I fell asleep at like 10 o' clock last night i didn't get up until 1:55 this afternoon...
Missed class...
Oh well...
Anyway with all my free time i've just accquired for the day figure i'd update...
But nothing has gone on...
Just the ususal...
I have a sorority on campus(it's a fake one, chill!) it's called Phi Omega Tao or POT...all we do? Smoke pot! We meet up once in a while and go to our little spot that's secluded from the campus and chill...Whose the president? Yours truly :)
Breakfast club! Once or twice a week I stay up all night with 3 other people and discuss funny, sexual, and personal shit...then we go to breakfast, we ARE...The Breakfast Club...
That would be all...
Signing out...