Oct 08, 2011 03:25
So. Occupy Wall Street, huh? Really? I'm probably about to have my Democratic membership card stripped from me and burned but.....EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU MORONS NEED TO GO HOME.
Seriously. OH NOES WE'RE IDIOTS WHO EITHER CAN'T GET JOBS BECAUSE WE HAVE DINNER PLATES IN OUR EARLOBES AND TATTOOS ON OUR FACES AND DREADLOCKS DOWN TO OUR ASSHOLES OR WE MAJORED IN SHIT LIKE ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE AND CAN'T GET JOBS. There. I said it. The "99%" is pissed off because they have no marketable skills or refuse to accept the fact that some people and corporations got rich because they busted their goddamn asses and didn't sit around wasting their lives and waiting for a fucking hand-out.
Yes, I know there are some protestors there who are actually productive members of society...but for the most part? I doubt it. All the videos I've seen have been filled with little college kids who haven't quite figured out that the world doesn't owe them anything yet. Pfffft. Grow up. Life is not required to be fair. I'm part of the 99% and I think the rest of them are raging douchebags.
Anyway, that's been bugging the hell out of me for the last few weeks and I had to say it. Now I'm done and I'll go back to doing my best to ignoring the whole thing. And doing my best to stop sounding like a Republican. Geez.......