
Jun 05, 2005 20:17

My internet is working again. Hopefully it'll be like that for a while. Until i get the cable.

Note: I'll be changing to a different lj user. Not sure on the name. Definely not something like this. if u want to be remove, just say between til June 24th. I will not hold a grudge. k!

Today we went to BUM as usual. I signed up to help on their fair. Those stupid 5 hrs. will be gone. Then we went to Burger King for lunch for some unknown reason. My sis was bugging dad to take to Walmart to buy hair stuff and skirts. She was extremely mean before dad said yes.

At Walmart, bumped into Jake and Mick. Mick gets out this week. How lucky is that. Plus he gets there 2 hrs late (which is 10) and then leaves at 12.

I wish I had money for Guild War. I heard it is awesome. No monthly fees!
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