Dec 03, 2005 06:13
It's 6am and I've been up all night because, like a fool, I fell asleep in the evening and slept until midnight. I hate it when that happens. Now my whole weekend is going to be out of whack and I'll have to struggle to get "normal" again for work on Monday.
To pass the time I cooked a steak and watched a bunch of Firefly episodes. (Actually now I think about it, why am I complaining?)
Coming into a very busy period. It's going to be a hard slog. On Thursday night I went to post-sittings drinks and got a bit smashed. When I finally got out of bed the next morning, no sooner did I arrive at work when I was whisked off for farewell drinks for a workmate. Tonight I've been invited to the Chinese community's Hakka shindig. Somehow I have to fit in sleeping and a charity toy ride between now and then. Monday is our office Christmas party, Wednesday is our branch Christmas party, Thursday is the floor-wide Christmas party, there's also a department Christmas party and a few EO christmas parties, but frankly I can't remember when half of them are. Hell, it's 6:30am but there's probably one happening right now for all I know.
Won't someone please, please think of the livers?
Out of boredom I just took 3 music web quizzes. One established that I'm 40% goth, the next one said I was 32% metalhead and the last one said I'm 23% raver. Apart from proving how cool and "across it" I am, it also explains why I don't really present as one or the other.
But it also raises the question: What makes up the other 5%?