Nancy Pelosi continues to deceive. (on purpose???)
She is not a faithful Catholic; she is a scandalous dissident. She is also terribly ignorant of the Catholic faith she claims to have been raised and educated with - a fact she made plain at Friday morning's press conference. It was a great day in the Church year; the day we remember and honor St. Joseph, the man charged with caring for our Blessed Mother and our Lord. An honorable, humble, faithful, obedient man who gave us the ultimate example of earthly fatherhood.
Pelosi stood grinning before the press and proclaimed it to be "the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, the day we pray to St. Joseph, pray to benefit the workers of America." Then she added that "that's exactly what this health care bill will do."
Once again, Nancy, you got it all wrong. As
The Anchoress so perfectly put it:
"First off, Nancy, this is not the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker. That feast day is May 1, and it is a simple (and optional) memorial. TODAY is the Solemnity of St. Joseph in his role as the Husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Provider and Guardian for the Child Jesus. A solemnity is not an optional feast day, and Pelosi, who was educated by religious sisters and went to a Catholic college, should know that."
"It is highly doubtful that St. Joseph, who was faced with an unimaginable event, one fraught with challenges, things unknown, social questions, difficulties and sacrifice, would be a happy endorser of a "life-affirming health care bill" that includes the federal funding of abortions, sterilizations, contraception - undoubtedly down the road - euthanasia."