Status Update

Sep 11, 2007 08:36

So here is all that is happening in the life of nathan.
1. Classes
They eat of my monday wednesday and fridays. Some of then (mostly 2) I think are going to be really painful. Digital Systems and Electromagnetics.
2. Homework
Well strangely enough it has been pretty light. I am happy with that.
3.Tae Kwon Do
I am taking Tae Kwon Do with Jessie and Heather. They are one lesson ahead of me. I will hopefully be able to catch up this week. It is also just a relaxing thing to go to.
4.Social Life
I mean come on people this is me we are talking about lol. I guess You can say I have one. I hang out with people on and off throughout the weeks. Living in Schoeder is nice because a lot of people I know life in here so we all kinda just hang out.
5.Relationship Status
None, Thought I might have two opportunities but nope. Girl from the cruise kinda blew me off I think. I called and left her a message on her phone never got called back. Whatever though. I asked Jessie and got a nice response but that is that. Other than that. Nothing planned right now.
6.Video Games
Haven't been playing many recently. Main video games I have been playing are Counter Strike Source and my Wii. I hang out with people and play the Wii and I keep in touch with people back home with CS:S. There are new video games coming out by Valve I can Hardly wait. I also need to play Bioshock I bought it and haven't played it through yet. I can't get through games like shooters as quick as my friend Jordan. It also doesn't help I have school lol.
Nothing really new has come along I will keep you all posted
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