Title: How We Feel is What We Can't Say
Genre: Romance; Minor Angst, maybe.
Pairing: Not specific.
Rating: PG-13 (for mentions of vices)
Length: Drabble
Disclaimer: The story is real, but not the characters. Standard fangirl disclaimer applies.
Summary: When you want to say what you really feel, it never comes.
I hate to see you sad like that, you know. It hurts to see someone like you, with so much to give, with such a caring heart, with all the love to share, looking so sad. I don't understand why somebody, anybody would be lonely. I'm sure there's someone out there for everyone. With the whole, "there are plenty of fish in the sea" thing, I believe that there's someone for every person.
I don't understand why somebody like you would be lonely. Then again, maybe I'm not meant to understand it.
I know it doesn't look like there's a lot of hope at this point. But trust me, as a friend, I know things will get better. From experience and observation, I've learned that when you hit bottom (like when you're really sad and stuff), the only way left to go is up which means life will be better. Change is a part of life, so this change, this hard timey ou're going through (I'm sure) will lead to something better. I've always been told that hardship builds character but I don't want to sound like an old man...
And don't believe those people and all those things they tell you. It's not always true, you know. Not everything in life can be obtained by looking for it, working towards it. I know that the people around you have been saying things like "if you want something, if you want somebody to love and love you, you have to go out there and get it". That, to me, is not always true. Sometimes, you have to stop and take a moment for yourself to see what you have.
You might've been looking so hard for someone to love without knowing or noticing that somebody already loves you. What use is it to go looking for someone to love when there's already someone there just waiting for you to love them back?
It hurts me to see you like this, going around with all these different people trying to fill the void in your life. They hurt you, abuse you, treat you like crap and you let them because you think it's better than the nothingness you feel. I know how sad you are, how lonely you feel because I'm your friend. Your best friend, maybe. I don't want you to be this sad, I don't want you to be in these unhealthy relationships (with people and vices). It hurts me when you do these things to yourself... It's so hard because I know you. It's so hard because I care.
...it's so hard because I love you.
A/N: Another short one. I was thinking about this for almost a week now. I finally managed to write it. I ended up writing it in such a way that it could be a lot of different pairings... I'll leave that up to you then. :) I hope you guys like it. Comments are love!