Bad television. Bad television is responsible for this.

Sep 12, 2008 19:35

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Let me come down to brass tacks on this. If you're a Republican, and you care about the Republican Obama. Because the only thing that can save the soul of the Republican party is losing this election.

The Republican party as it stands--or limps along, anyway--is a horribly malformed Frankenstein's monster cobbled together from three different, but equally decrepit husks. You have the neoconservatives, who believe that America can make the world a better place by turning choice pieces of it into smoking craters. You have the religious right, who vacillate between fervently fighting a war against an imaginary Whore of Babylon and taking the viewpoint of "Fuck it, the Rapture's due any day now." And finally, you have the libertarian Republicans, who believe the Constitution says what it says and who cannot sleep at night for the whirring sounds of Barry Goldwater spinning in his grave like an Undead Hadron Collider.

Every election cycle, the neoconservatives will look out for their corporate cronies, and the demagogues leading the social conservative branch will attempt to hold large portions of the base hostage unless they receive concessions. That's not a republican democracy, that's 19th-century machine politics, and it needs to be left in the past along with plaid waistcoats and cocaine-infused soda pop. The libertarians will be coopted by the corporate-sponsored think-tanks, who like the idea of a strict interpretation of the Constitution mainly because the Constitution doesn't specifically mention the FDA or the EPA.

Into the midst of this is thrown the workaday citizen conservative, who just wants to be left in piece to hunt and fish on Saturday, go to church on Sunday, and spend the working week trying to save for his family's future. But the neocons and the holy rollers, who between them dominate the party, know that they can rely on the classical conservative's Battered Wife Syndrome. If you've never read those words before, but you've watched a few episodes of COPS, you still know what I'm talking about. "Oh, don't take him, I need him. He'll be good to be this time. I could do worse than be stuck with him!" Sorry, baby, but he'll never love you, and he'll never stop using you.

The Republican party's leadership has nothing but contempt for the average Republican. They believe that they can say anything they want and you won't do so much as a Google search to find out if it's true or if it contradicts what they said last week. They believe that you want nothing more than to gobble up endless non-stories about Swift Boats and lipstick-wearing pigs. They believe that whenever caught on camera without a handy teleprompter, they can slip into a droning glossolalia of "Faith, God, family values, homeland security, flip-flop, class warfare, family farms!, freedom, justice, socialized medicine, terrorism," and you'll eat it up. In short, they believe that you are blinded by the power of buzzwords, and that no matter how badly they treat you or how badly they mismanage our nation, they will always be able to wring your vote out of you by playing on your fears of crime and terrorism, or anything that smells of socialism, or anyone who doesn't look and live exactly like you do. Prove them wrong.

If you want government contracting to be transparent and accountable to the people, and contractors accountable to the government that pays them with your tax dollars? Vote Obama.

If you want a tax plan that will give a tax cut to all Americans making under $200,000 a year, rather than to the very wealthiest? Vote Obama.

If you want our veterans to receive the care and benefits they deserve? Vote Obama.

If you want our administrative offices to be filled with personnel hired for their competence, and not for their Mafia-like notions of loyalty? Vote Obama.

If you want greater energy independence, and an energy economy wherein more of America's wealth goes into the pockets of American workers and entrepreneuers, and less of it goes into the coffers of Saudi Arabia and Venezuela? Vote Obama.

If you want a return to the trend of abortion and teen pregnancy continuing to go down every year, a trend which the Bush administration has begun to reverse? Vote Obama.

If you want a government that knows better than to borrow money from one unjustly-governed nation only to funnel it into another, in the hopes that this will somehow increase our national security? Vote Obama.
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