Oct 02, 2009 22:28
Behold! This is where characters from various books,games,movies,etc. can join. Fill out the form, post, and we'll get back to you. Once your accepted you can join and we'll accept.
Name: everyone has a name! What’s yours!
Age: we don't really care, but please tell the truth!
Journals: OOC, then IC
IM: AIM is the quickest method of communication
Time zone: for player reference; that way, people don’t think you're ignoring them if they live in the US and you're in China.
Character: No-brainer here!
Series: we'll need to know if you're using a character from a video game, book, movie, etc
Timeline: from what time? And yes, we CAN bring people back from the dead.
Reference: Wikipedia, but other places are fine, too, like shrines or fan-pages or (help us now) OFFICIAL websites.
Inventory: what does your character have when they arrive. NOTE: ALL WEAPONS ARE GONE BEFORE THEY COME HERE!
Third-person sample: 300 words MINIMUN! No less. More is okay, In fact we'd love it!
First-person sample: As long as you want, we don't care; just as long as we get a good feel for the character.
Once your on, make a post on the OOC. Then post your first character post and let the Mayhem begin!