Use your imagination on this one.
On the way to work this morning, the guy behind me was drinking cranberry juice out of a bottle. No big whoo, right?
Wrong. He was drinking it out of a huge 64-ounce bottle (like the kind you keep in the fridge--not like a sports bottle).
Traffic was moving at about 20 mph, then it would stop suddenly--pretty typical for morning traffic on 285. Guess who was taking a sip of cranberry juice at the precise moment everyone decided to put on brakes?
Mr. 285 Man.
It was a splendid visual: First the mid-sip "oh shit" look. Next the squealing brakes. Then the tsunami of berry-bursting red liquid hitting the ceiling and cascading down onto the steering wheel, his shirt collar, the front of his shirt and everywhere else.
I can only hope that this man was wearing khakis with his blue button-down shirt.
(Who the hell drinks out of a 64-ounce bottle anyway?)