Mood Recovered!

Jan 18, 2010 18:59

Wow, I'm so happy now! Just really happy despite everything that's going on now. This is thanks to LakisKendrixff. Really can't thank that gifted genius enough. She made my day. I'm just a really huge fan of her fanfictions. I'm a huge fan of the Sengoku Basara anime too.
My day started out horrible with those annoying teachers just droning on and on. Well, I live in Malaysia and i'll tell you what that means...suckish education. And I'm not only talking about school usually being boring. It's just that the teachers don't teach so well. some of the teachers don't speak english so well. And why the heck were they assigned to teach english speaking subjects? like chemistry or physics which always has big words. The teachers are struggling to pronounce it, we're struggling to endure the boredom. I actually do like to learn those subjects like chemistry (except Bahasa Malaysia, History and Add maths). but since the teachers just make it so boring, I have no interest in paying attention.

After school, which is during the normally Sahara Desert-like weather, while i was relaxing while using my laptop, my brother ( I nicknamed him Oda Nobunaga since 3 months ago) decided he wanted to piss me off again. darn. he started scolding me for those various petty things which normally nobody bothers. Then my mum started scolding me too. for the same petty thing.

i got so pissed off and just ignored them. But then i started feeling guilty (i always do...) and start to feel like i've been bitchy to them for arguing back. But nvm dat. lets move on to something more positive

I checked my email and i saw a msg saying LakisKendrixff sent you a msg. And i was like  =D  =D  =D  =D  =D  =D.  " yaaayy!!!" i said mutely while smiling like mad. I'm crazy for her work and I totally adore the way she write! I'm just a really HUGE fan. I've only  checked my gmail account today, after a long time and i guess i shoudl check my gmail more often. my gmail account is actually my private account. none of my other friends know about this account. Plus, my real name is not Halline. XD but her message would have been my second best Christmas present(if only i checked it during Christmas) because she sent it to me during Christmas( it's christmas in Malaysia that time). My first best Christmas present was getting 5 A's for my PMR. that's the best ever because it's much more than i expected or deserved and even though it's not straight A's (7 A's), i get to be in the best class! I'm in the third pure science stream class, all my frens r there and no snobby 7 A students (even nerds are arrogant!). Thank God, really!

I've only started this post because I mostly wanna thank LakisKendrixff for making my day. I know that i sound like a crazy fanatic that couldn't stop mentioning her. Anyway, if there are any Sengoku Basara fans who have no idea who she is, I highly recommend you to read her fanfictions here on livejournal. ( actually I mostly recommend for girls only)

pmr, oda nobunaga, suckish malaysian education, lakiskendrixff, christmas

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