Jul 01, 2006 20:48
With the help of Matthew, I am allowing myself to be upset about this current situation.
With the help of Matthew, I decided not to perpetuate the awkwardness of this current situation and opted out of assisting with the move to Pennsylvania.... still dealing with the bit of guilt over that one.
With the help of Matthew, I realized how important talking through things can be...
What did I do to deserve such an awesome friend?
Positive point: For the first time in my life, I managed to stand up for what I was feeling and demand answers... It felt good.
Apologies for the broken format and the weird "no one on earth is truly going to understand what this post is about" tone... maybe when the events of this morning are a little more in the past, I will be able to write about it with more clarity. Until then... thank you to all of the people that have helped me through this. Genuine thanks.
and scene....