Live long and prosper

Nov 04, 2009 19:12

I have a week of Annual Leave this week, which is interesting. I am entitled to 27 days off every year. This is considerably less than if I worked in a school, but I get paid significantly more, so it's really a case of swings and roundabouts.

I actually find the whole holiday taking thing quite difficult. I love having time away from work, but all the time I'm off I worry about returning to work. That's PAD for you - highly irrational and deeply irritating.

I am having a fabulous time, though, although I am not getting the lovely long lie-ins I was hoping for! On average I have been up and dressed earlier this week than I am for work.

The reason for this answers to Bel (or Noah). The children are spending 4 days with Grandma this week while Mummy is working, and the draw of 'Aunt'ayley' is rather strong. Thus it is that on arrival my beloved niece rousts me from my bed and insists on eating cheerios at 8 in the morning.

Going less well is the diet - being at home makes it really hard to stick to the plan! I am dreading weigh-in tomorrow as I have not been terribly restrained this week! That said, I haven't pigged out to a major level, so hopefully it won't be too disastrous!

-- Posted from my iPhone
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