Jun 29, 2011 21:36
After the days of the BBS scene, there arose a series of social networks in the ashes of the old, refreshed by the naive blood of the newcomers to the Internet.
One for the old school Internet denizens who remember the days before Eternal September. The NewsGroups.
Two for the hipsters and teens, Twitter and MySpace.
Two for the earners of cash, Orkut and LinkedIn
One for the soccer moms and grandparents, Facebook
Innumerable forums for the niche markets (you iz on one)
One for the Geeks who built it all, whose very name was a test of digital chops, Slashdot.
Four for the perverts, malcontents and hackers, 4chan, 7chan and if I listed the other two anonymous would have to kill me.
And finally, forged by the dark recesses of the digital over-mind, there came the precursor to the malevolent singularity that would eventually emerge from the combined flotsam, jetsam, wisdom and madness of the Internet, the one true Social Networking ring, to in the blogness bind them. Google+