My brain hates me

Aug 16, 2010 15:17

Saturday Whuffle and I went out to celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary. We had dinner and saw "Inception." After the movie we went home and both our brains were too active to go to sleep, so we watched an episode of "Glee" from Netflix. That night, my brain punished me by presenting me with a dream. In an apparent dig at the "You start the dream in the middle and don't remember how you got there" idea from "Inception" it stated with the opening credits for "Sunnydale Glee."

That's right, my subconscious subjected me to a Glee / Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover.

Kurt was crushing on Xander who was crushing on Mercedes. Giles was running a Rocky Horror production. Cordelia was trying to join the Glee club, but she was butting heads with Rachel over who got to play Janet. Oz was playing Rocky and Tim Curry was the episode's Big Bad. Xander made some obvious jokes connecting the big bad to the Rocky production, because in the episode Tim Curry isn't REALLY Tim Curry, he just looks like him. And Tim Curry turned into the Devil from "Legend" when he "Vamps out."

And coach Sylvester was a vampire. (Fitting really)

As I said, my subconscious hates me.

I've added a few more details from the dream in a comment to this post.

silly, personal

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