The building I work in houses several companies, but the bathrooms are shared by everyone on a given floor. This lead to an amusing encounter with a
jackass I'll call Bilge Drinker.
It turns out the folks at the pharmaceutical company use the conference room across the hall on a regular basis, and a pattern has been pointed out to me.
The mens' room toilet gets clogged every now and then, and for some reason the days when it clogs are always days when Bilge Drinker is among the people using the second floor conference room. Now, I'm nit accusing Bilge Driunger of anything, it could be someone else in his department who happens to attend the same meetings is responsible. You never know.
Today was the first day since my initial encounter with Bilge Drinker that he attended a meeting on the second floor and the toilet didn't need a visit from the maintenance crew. The janitorial staff won;t be happy however, because someone attending that meeting left a dozen or more sunflower seed hulls in and around the urinal. Who eats sunflower seeds by the bag while using a urinal?
I'm looking forward to my employer changing offices in the next month or so. I'll get to leave for work 20 minutes later, and I'll never see Bilge Drinker again.