It's like writing a lab report, except very not.

Nov 14, 2006 21:49

1. My ex -- doesn't really exist in a recognizable form anymore
2. I am listening to-- The Arcade Fire
3. Maybe I should-- write my paper(s)
4. I Want-- something to happen
5. My friends-- look good in green and have pretty eyes (yes, Laura, you too.)
6. I don't understand-- why people put emotional distance between each other
7. I lost my respect for-- well, she never really had it but it's pretty gone now
9. The meaning of my display name is-- something from Atlas Shrugged (a concerto)
10. Love is-- "telling a boy you like his shirt and then he wears it for the next three days"
11. Somewhere, someone is-- reading this LJ post.
12. I will always-- worry about you, Dad.
13. Forever seems-- meaningless yet vaguely unsettling.
14. I never want to lose-- my motivation to keep going. Or other people's shoes.
15. My mobile phone is-- rarely in use.
16. When I wake up in the morning-- I swear under my breath.
17. I get annoyed at-- people who have no idea what they're talking about but condescend to you anyway (Chaz,  etc.)
18. Parties are-- places where I black out, apparently (but, don't worry, only around sketchballs)
19. My pet(s)- died.
22. I really want-- to go on a road trip this summer.
20. Kisses are-- awkward, onstage!
21. Today I-- wore my mom's sweater from the eighties

U S E L E S S | I N F O R M A T I O N
Name:  Amy, not short for anything.
sex: female-ish
Birthday: 10/9
Sign: Libra. most boring sign EVER. All my horoscopes are like "You just want to get married and make babies and live in a white house in the suburbs where everyone gets along and wears neutral-colored sweaters and lives out their meaningless existences with a thinly veiled air of quiet desperation, praying every day for  the sweet release of death." I should have been a Pisces.
Siblings: Melly, my love.
Hair color: dark brown
Eye color: Greenish blue and red-brown in the middle (it looks like my pupils are rusting)
Height: 5'6

Are you straight/bisexual/gay?: To quote Lala: "straight. but girls don't count."
Whos your best friend?: Laura C. DiMonte
What is your longest relationship?: 2 years, 2 months and counting. (And 10+ years with my lady love)

F A S H I O N | S T U F F
Where is your favorite place to shop for clothes?: H&M. And Target, although the Webster one is off-limits to me now.
Any tattoos or piercings: my ear ones closed up.
What is your most comfortable outfit?: Cords and sweaters
What do you usually wear?: sleevless shirts, hoodies, trouser-cut pants

Do you do drugs?: the ganja.
What kind of shampoo do you use?: Pantene Pro-V:  "Purity." (I had to go check)
What are you most scared of?: Falling short.
What are you listening to right now?: I answered this already... but since my iTunes is still on shuffle it's Elliott Smith now.
Who is the last person that you called?: Little Ben
Who is the last person that called you?: Marcus
Where do you want to get married: If I do, then at the Finger Lakes.
What would you change about yourself?: My paralyzing lack of self-confidence.

Colors: earthy green colors and lavender
Foods: vegetable sushi (with avocados!) and spanakopita
Movies: Ones with superheros. I like the philosophy behind them.
Animals: mice! Sometimes I have to do unpleasant things to them in the name of science, so I felt like I should give the species a shout-out.

H A V E | Y O U | E V E R
Given anyone a bath?: No. Also, weird thing to ask first.
Smoked?: Yes
Bungee jumped?: Why invite catastrophe?
Ever made yourself throw up?: Tried when I was hungover but failed.
Ever been in love?: Yes.
Made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: When I'm in trouble I actually cry.
Pictured your crush naked: I'm going to quote Laura again: "HUUUUUUUUR"
Cried when someone died?: Real and fictional someones.
Lied: Yes, but I try to avoid it. There are certain people I'm physically incapable of lying to, though.
Fallen for your best friend?: Both people I've dated I've considered to be one of my best friends, but both times that developed after we got together. So not really.
Used someone?: I think I may have in the past, but not recently. I'm not proud of it if I have.
Done something you regret?: I've hurt people. I've let other people hurt me. It's the insecurity.

clothes: My brown dress pants with the hems taken out that I've worn every day for a week.
Annoyance: Professors making every huge thing due within 12 hours of each other.
CD in player: Hot chip that I burned for the concert.
DVD in player: Arrested Development season 3 disc 1, baby.

L A S T | P E R S O N
You left a message for?: My papa.
You texted: Shley. I don't text, really.
You cuddled: Katie and I layed in bed together and watched Sex and the City the other day. But real cuddling? It's been a while.
 You kissed: Heh... We went over the "girls don't count" rule already.

A R E | Y O U
Understanding: Yeah, but not always accepting.
Open-minded: To an extent. Tolerance is tricky.
Arrogant: I'm sure I'm capable of it, but I'm almost absurdly easy to take down a peg. I hope not.
Persistent: Yes.
Insecure: I don't know, guys... Am I? Haha but seriously it's crippling.
Hungry: I ate an hour ago. So yes.
Smart: In a few ways. But not at spatial reasoning!
Moody: Not nearly so much as in the past.
Hard working: Yeah. Sometimes to the extent that it's bad for me, but I've been slacking a healthy amount recently.
Organized: I get anxious when I'm not.
Healthy: I go running and try to eat things that are good for me, whatever that amounts to. I also smoke various substances and drink to excess. Maybe they cancel each other out.
Difficult: I really hope not, but I have the sneaking suspicion that I am sometimes.
Bored easily: I have a pretty long attention span, but when I'm out, I'm out.
Sad: Not as much anymore.
Happy: Sometimes I find myself smiling for absolutely no reason. That's a new development.
Hyper: Not really, but with the right people...
Angry: I can rant with the best of them.
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