May 10, 2005 00:10
my brother showed me a video earlier... and apparently backstreet boys are back! I was never a die-hard fan of them (I actually liked n*sync-- *blush blush blush*) but I think it's good that they're back and better than before. their music is good, and at least they don't lip-sync. plus, they're starting to play their own instruments. so i dont care what anyone says... they're good. it doesnt matter if they were "poppy boy band" blah blah blah. i like them. STOP STERIOTYPING!
anywho.. back from hawaii!!! wow. i love hawaii. and all the memories i shared with friends there! WWWOOOWWWWW! i was kinda ready to come home... just because the whole thing was so tiring and tensions were beginning to run high between classmates as the week went on. HAWAI'I DRAMA! Oh, how much I learned while on the blessed island of O'ahu. And how much I enjoyed not having to deal with school! But again, I'm happy to be home! Well, I have many things to share, but it's late, and I'm tired. 6 hour time difference! yikes! ttfn!
Aloha, cousins! Hang Loose!