Giddygeek, who was already good (*really* good), got blow-me-away good. I don't know what's different, but to my somewhat synesthetic reading it's a completely different shape and color. Like peacock or jewel green and purple in a more dramatic, vivid composition (composition in the sense of the visual I get, not the story composition). Anyway, don't let my description put you off, just go read the
Euro!sync goodness.
Giglet is also good, and should write more. The
fannish flylady post is hilarious. Also, I never got around to reccing her Temptrick (TEMPTRICK!)
crossover (in a comment thread on
marythefan's lj) because I wanted to squee about it properly. But I'll stop being overly perfectionistic on that one and just say go read it! on that one too.
Oh, and one more Giglet snippet. ATF!Sync, which if I understand correctly means
Guns and Kevlar and Desperate Measures. *g* Be sure to read the
prequel as well, for the full effect.