May 14, 2010 10:02
Oh my word you guys, it is soooooo beautiful out! I know we've gone through spring like four times now but this one is glorious. I shall enjoy it before the northern monsoons claim it again. It is so lovely, in fact, that I convinced my very work driven husband to leave work early to enjoy it with me.
Really this all works out beautifully as I've been working 9-12 hour days for the last week (including the weekend). I'm only at my computer because it felt odd not to be. I think, once I'm done with my pod casts, I'll get some cleaning done, like of the rabbit litter box. Oh the excitement!
So, now that the most pressing thing on my agenda is not what felt like 405,6823,003 pages of research to do, I can think of what I want to write for the Museum's quarterly. I have about 2 months to research and write something relatively short. I'm not sure what Gallatin Valley related topic to look into, but I want to do something environmental. Any ideas?
Oooh! The wild, baby bunny is in the back yard, and I have birds building nests!
los conejos,
house elfishness