Jan 06, 2006 21:40
So today was pretty much uneventful. I'm very pleased with the reception I've had on Fur Affinity however and quite surprised. And most of the artists I watch actually watch me back! :D I wonder if Bastek's drawing had anything to do with it. >>;
Almost forgot to get my birth control pills. Not that I've really needed them lately. :(
And we made Chinese food for dinner which turned out to be really good, but it took forever to get Chad motivated enough to actually cook and really all he did was buy the ingrediants and stir the chow mein. I fried the shrimp and helped cleaned up. Chad's mom did most of the cutting.
I was a bit put out by his father however. The family in general. I've said this before but I'm getting sick and tired of cleaning up after people. Yesterday, Chad's father put a bowl of peas in the microwave with the intention of steaming them in some water. Well, the water ran over a bit, and he didn't clean it out. I complained to him today that people need to pay more attention to the messes they make, especially in the microwave. It smelled horrible, like rotting pea soup. I told him he had left the bowl in there and it had run over. I had started to clean it up but ate dinner and forgot about it, assuming that he knew that he had made a mess and would clean it up. Considering I made dinner and the general rule is is that whoever makes dinner doesn't have to clean up afterwards, which unfortunately doesn't seem to apply to me. I have to tell someone else to do it, and most of the time it doesn't get done. Well, it gets done, only I do it. He told me to clean the microwave up myself. Not ask. FUCKING TOLD ME. I didn't realize that the mess had been left in there until I put my chai in and realized it stank and nearly made me gag. I cleaned it out but my chai still has a faint odor of steamed peas. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have affected the flavor too much. It wasn't that big of a mess and only took maybe five minutes at most to clean, but it's the principle of the matter.
I'm by no means calling Niel lazy as I know he works very hard, I just think that if you make a fucking mess yourself then you should clean up after yourself. I can't tell you how many times I've gone into the kitchen and there's crumbs and juice and God knows what else all over the kitchen counters. I get sick of seeing it and clean it up myself.
Chad and Robyn are spoiled as hell anyway. They don't have to cook or clean or do anything, and when they're asked it takes them forever to do it. I have to fucking throw a fit to get Chad to clean the bathroom or, God forbid, make dinner. He complains that his family used to make him cook all the time and that's why he doesn't like to do it now. Which I think he's full of shit. The only thing I've seen him make is stir-fry, waffles, and eggs. Which he does in a blue moon.WTF? I don't mind cooking. I just expect a little help from time to time as it gets done faster and we can all move on with our lives. Most of the time however when Chad "helps me" he just stands there and watches t.v.. I've actually almost burned myself a few times because I couldn't handle doing two things at once even though he was standing right there. I'm sure most women have this problem with their husbands. Atleast with Chad, I'm sure he knows that cooking and cleaning isn't just "women's work". Sometimes I don't even see the joy in cooking for a family that doesn't even seem to really appreciate it. I've made casseroles and such before and sure they grunt a thank you, but I don't get so much as a compliment. Spoiled rotten. My family was a bit more encouraging, I guess. And I guess that's what I'm used to. They seem to take food for granted. I remember a time when we had to eat the same meal for days because we couldn't afford to buy groceries all the time.
Chad has gotten better about housework though. He keeps Sana's litterbox clean and he even helped me clean up the room after Sana's worm problem. Which turns out wasn't that bad. It was mostly at the foot of the bed where she slept. So I guess I shouldn't complain too much.
I'm seriously thinking about leaving a note out though ordering people to clean up after themselves because it's just disgusting to let it go like they do. Of course it all gets taken care of if we're having guests. But if we all took the time to clean up after ourselves we wouldn't have to scramble every time to straighten it all up for guests.
I was gonna work on some more artwork but I haven't had much sleep. I think I'm gonna call it an early night. Red chai tea makes me so sleepy. z_z