I think I have a terminal case of Clumsy.

Feb 28, 2007 19:51

Seriously. Its going to be a miracle if I don't die of some weird clutz related accident by the time I'm 35.

A few days ago I took a header in the parking lot of my building. My reward was a lovely gash across my nose that has formed an icky looking scab. Never have I been hotter.

Yesterday I was moving a chair into my bedroom and I smashed my right ring finger between the chair and the door way. It took most of the skin off my knuckle and now the whole finger is purple and hurty. Thank god it wasn't my bird giving finger. If there is a silver lining to this post, then surely it is that. After getting the chair into place, I turned to exit the room and I wacked my foot on the frame of my bed. I wanted to cry like a little baby girl. But I didn't.

Tonight I burned my tongue at dinner. Why must marinara be so delicious yet so scalding? Then I drank a glass of wine that is making me feel puke-tastic and has done nothing to kill the tongue pain.

At this point, I'm pretty sure I should call in sick to work for the rest of the week and cancel all other engagements. Then I'll suit up in lots of padding, burrow under four or five comforters and wait for the worst.
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