Nov 29, 2012 02:48
It would seem that I’ve lost my written voice. I have this gorgeous piece of the internet, I have all kinds of awesome software installed, and I pay for it. But I realize I’m logging in once every 6 months. And I’ll post something maybe twice a year. Every time I do so, I comment about how neglected things are, and how I should write more, and then I ponder if I’ve run out of things to say. After that I comment about how much of a pain it can be trying to sidestep anything that I “cant” write about. More than anything, I probably need to get off of my ass. I need to put WordPress in the dock on my phone. Instead of pulling down the iOS header and posting to ButtBook™, I need to just put it here, and let the magic of cross-posting do its magic. Yeah, we’ll see how that works out. Right?
(David. Thats your cue. Say something snarky.)
Cross-posted specifically for Zula, The White Grace Jones.