Sep 28, 2006 13:05
I haven't updated for a few days, I'd like to say it's because I've been extrememly busy, but it probably isnt true. So what has been going on? On Sunday Katie went to university. That sucked quite a lot seeing as she is my oldest friend and I'm so used to her just being down the road. But there we go. I cried a lot after I said goodbye to her, and nearly crashed on the way home.
On Tuesday I went to the crown court in Exeter with mum. I kinda didnt wanna get up so early to go there, but when we got there it was like woah. The first case we were sitting in on was this mulitple rape case of this 11 year old girl over a periso of like 5 years. It wasn't the actual case, just the preliminary appeal for like witness statements and sht, but the guy had to plead not guilty, and it was well exciting. Then there was an actual case about this guy who had supposedly beaten up this guy who was filing him and his friends on a hunt, and the guy who got beaten up was a anti-hunting activist. It's been on the news, and the way they've portrayed it, it was like really clearcut cos they got it on film, but listening to the actual barristers and judges summing up, I didnt think he was guilty, even though he was found to be. Anyway, it was really interesting, and I think I'll go again at Christmas. Although it kinda sucked cos I had such a bad cough that I had to go out during the judges summing up, so I missed llike 20 minutes of it.
Then Mum and me went to Exeter town and got a shit load of uni stuff like plates and bowls and horribel calve length black skirts of matriculation. I still have so much to do before I go, arg. Then me and Kat and Spring went to the Dragon Pearl for dinner, and had some damn good duck. Man, it was so weird being just the three of us again after Ibiza, not like weird, but weird cos its so usual, but it wont be anymore. That sucked quite a lot. Spring gave me a page pf her notebook where we had written a song in German in what I think was Year 9, man so many memories. I cried when I sad goodbye to her too ;___; I think I am just rediculously over emotional.
Then yesterday me and Kat went to see Katie in Exeter. WE sneaked about in her *ahem* lovely building before going to town and dossing about/eating all day. It was nice to see Katie again, it's weird how grown up she is and everything. I just can't wait to go to uni myself now. I just dont want to pack >_<
Then I had my haircut. I dont know if I like it so much. It's pretty redish in the light, alythough i didnt ask for red. And my fringe has a lot more substance to it than it did before. Hmm, I dont know.
Today I finsihed the lengthy job of purging my LJ, phone and MSN of people I no longer speak to/care about. New start and all. And they look a lot neater now. I am thinking about making my journal friends only when I get to uni, cos I dont want to have to restrict what I say about people.
That was an interesting entry wasnt it? *rolls eyes*