Nov 19, 2007 17:20
a man on the train home today really stepped over the line of train etiquette. first of all, off peak train=plenty of seats=walk back and find one for yourself creepy man! but no, he sits down next to me in a two seat row. this might not have been a problem on an old train, but the new ones are more narrow. so he starts moving around and then asks if it's ok for him to put his arm up on the headrest to get a little more room. i say ok. but apparently "up on the headrest" means "around your shoulder" wtf!?!? but i think he could sense my extreme discomfort so he moved, only to then rest his elbow on my shoulder. are you kidding me?? that's better?? then i swear he played with one of my curls for a second. creepy...just creepy. then he starts talking to me, perfect. what do you do? school or work? you live in new york? i gave grumbled answers to all of these. and i had my headphones on! isn't that the universal sign of "I DON'T WANT TO MAKE SMALL TALK WITH YOU!"? then he gave me the info on his existence. he's from india, just catching the shuttle to jfk for the flight back home. fascinating. i then pretended forest hills was my stop and headed to another car and found TONS of available seats. (mind you the whole time this is going on i'm thinking "i'm totally going to write an lj update about you mister!")
just in case the woman who sings and plays her guitar in penn station during the day is reading this: knock it off already! haven't you ruined enough songs by singing them three octaves too high? just give it a rest. i would trade her for the guy who does 10 minute versions of "sitting on the dock of the bay" any day.
i've decided to change my starbucks ordering name. on my way to work every morning i get a latte in penn and they're always crowded so they do the calling out your name thing. well, they rarely get holly correct. it always comes out at polly, or alli, or once colleen. so on wednesday it will be a tall soy vanilla latte for hannah. i love that name and it's on the short list if i ever have a daughter so i'm starting with that and then i will be who knows what name. suggestions are welcome. preferably ones i can say without laughing at their ridiculousness.
my christmas tree is up already haha! my mom and i love our tree so much we wanted to put it up early. it's just so pretty.
someone put up a justin timberlake poster in the promotions office. i like. it's a promo poster for his hbo concert (which comes out on dvd soon!) and i enjoy staring at it. oOooOoOOo today i got an email about our office holiday party. it's at a place on 24th st, can't remember the name, open bar 6-10, this could get crazy.
ok i think that's enough randomness for one post. peace.