Aug 06, 2008 18:34
The last four days were an innovative form of entertainment, to be sure. Still, all is well that ends well, isn't it? I'm sure someone learned some kind of lesson from this whole story.
Miss Lenalee? When would be a good time to give you back your dress and underthings?
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...Ah, anytime after lunch is good. You didn't have any troubles with it?
I didn't! You're a wonderful teacher, Miss Lenalee. It took one demonstration to make me understand how to deal with that dress.
Thank you, Allen. But you're also a fantastic listener. I think it was our efforts together that made it easier.
You flatter me too much, Miss Lenalee. All I did is the same thing as always. I only tried my best.
I don't think it's flattery, Allen.
The fact that you think that way is flattery in itself, Miss Lenalee.
By the way, if you don't mind... Can I ask another favor of you?
I don't mind at all. What do you need, Allen?
It's two favors, actually. First of all, do you mind if I just call you Lenalee? I'm sorry if that's rude, but somehow, attaching 'miss' feels awkward when it's with you. It keeps feeling like something that shouldn't be there.
And the other favor is... Would you mind if I'd thank you for my help somehow? By treating you to a dinner in a cafe, perhaps?
I don't mind at all, Allen. It doesn't feel rude, I felt awkward calling you 'Mister Allen'. Forgive me for not asking, but it felt wrong.
You don't need to thank me Allen, but I'd like that.
I understand... In that case, please, allow me to invite you to a dinner. Maybe sometime this weekend?
I accept. This weekend would be perfect, what time do you have in mind?
Um... How about Saturday? Lately, the weather is really good in the afternoon, so that time on Saturday could be really good.
Saturday is perfect. That sounds like a good time as well.
Alright. I'm glad you like the time.
I'll see you on Saturday at the dorm lobby, then? I'll be looking forward to spending that day with you, Lenalee.
Yes, I'll meet you there. I'm also looking forward to spending the day with you, Allen.
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