It was so funny to Mom and Dad, when they told a story to the Adamas one night when we all had dinner together, but it was completely embarrassing to me.
At first it was fine, with Joseph, Anne, and I talking a little about school. (You have to understand that at the time, I was sixteen, Joseph was fourteen, and Anne was thirteen. We were entering puberty and all of the awkwardness that came with it and we really didn't require any more from our parents. That said, I'll continue with the story.)
Mom, Dad, Admiral Adama, Commander Adama, and Captain Dualla all were talking, though, about us.
[Locked to
I think I liked Joseph already. Which makes this worse. I'm not sure, but I think so.
[Locked to Agathons and Adamas only]
If anything was said about Anne or Joseph, I didn't hear, because all I could hear were Mom and Dad laughing about how difficult it was to toilet train me when I was little. Apparently, I would fuss and complain, and they would laugh at me. I was so embarrassed that I ran home without eating any dinner and locked the hatch door so that I could be alone.
I didn't speak to Mom and Dad for a week. I should've waited longer, I think.
Why do parents do that?
Muse: Hera Agathon
Fandom: "Battlestar Galactica"
Word Count: 227