(no subject)

Jul 28, 2007 19:25

Title: For Queen and Country
Characters: Owen, Gwen, Tosh, Jack/Ianto
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Open

"No! Everyone will think--"

"Get off it. They already know."

"You know I can't. I love Rhys."

"Never stopped you before. Oh, come on. You miss it."

"Owen, no. They want to record--"

"So? They're aliens! You'll never even have to look them in the eyes. Hell, I don't know which are their eyes."

"It's disgusting!"

"You've never videotaped you and loverboy?"

"Of course not."

"One amazing shag versus the destruction of the Earth..."

"You do realise," Tosh broke in with an impish smile, waving her hand between them, "that Jack and Ianto volunteered about five minutes ago?"

Title: Soley, Soley
Characters: Jack, Gwen, Suzie (mentioned)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Challenge: Heritage

"I found this," Jack tells Gwen one night, laying a photo album out on his desk.

Silently he opens to a sepia-tone scene of what seems to be an entire family, large and laughing. He turns pages and the photos become newer, travel through the decades.

He pauses at the seventies, lingers on a pretty woman holding a toddler.

"No names, no dates," he murmurs, to himself or the face of the little girl a few pages later. "So much went into this and now they're all strangers."

Gwen watches as he flips the photo and carefully writes 'Suzie Costello'.

drabbles, jack/ianto, suzie, tw100

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