I suppose there might come a day when someone builds a refrigerator that does not groan and grumble and clank to itself, but... today is not that day. Maybe if I found the Keymaster, it might shut up? I can guarantee that when we move back into our house next week in two weeks, the new fridge there will have something to say. Usually, late at night when it's all alone in the kitchen. For the extra creepiness.
In other news, there's only one day left to vote for this week's Idol entries. I'm lagging in the poll a bit so if you can take a moment to
vote for me, I would really appreciate it!
Now, what am I reading besides Idol stories? Well, I recently finished The Library of the Dead, which was a delightful YA book set in Scotland. Future, half-destroyed Scotland, anyway. The main character is a girl who earns her living carrying messages between the living and dead, and who gets an unexpected education in other, more dangerous types of magic. The character and the tone are sarcastic but hopeful, and I am always up for that combination. \o/
My current book, The Dystopia Game, is much less fun. There, the main character is continually having his idea of The Truth (and its backstory) revised, which feels like everything is endlessly spinning in circles. It's hard to concentrate on the story, especially when I'm already struggling to focus on anything and everything! So, "meh"-ish.
Next up, maybe the second book in the "Library of the Dead" series? I.e, something that is more fun and less work. I'm starting to get behind in my Goodreads challenge for the year!