Feb 11, 2024 15:22
This is why I hate choosing things for the house rebuild so much.
I want a gold-colored shower system for the small bathroom-a simple high-pressure shower head with a multi-function faucet. Apparently, I am asking for the moon. \o?
What's in style EVERYWHERE are those stupid rain-style shower heads, which waste a ton of water and have no water-pressure at all. I hate those things-it takes me an eternity to rinse the shampoo out of my hair with them. AND, because the water-pressure sux... most of them come with a hand-held extension, so you can junk up the look of your shower with a loose hose. Why not just make a real shower head instead?
I now also see why the contractors balked at the idea of a multi-function control system. Almost everyone makes a single-function faucet that turns the water on full-volume and only lets you choose the temperature. So you can waste more water!
And as always, this was supposed to be a single, easy decision for one room in the house. Now I'm Googling to eternity.
*sigh* *mutter*
from the ashes