Zippity Doo-Dah

Dec 26, 2020 12:42

It's the last day to vote for this week's Idol Survivor entries! My story is here, with a link to the poll at the bottom so you can vote for all the entries you enjoy! I'm about to embark on my own mass reading (just 12 entries total), since I've been held up doing Christmas things until now.

For the first time in years, I am NOT rushing out to the store today to snap up post-Christmas bargains (namely half-price Xmas lights and decorations). It isn't worth the risk of crowding and COVID, and since we couldn't see anyone this year, I didn't make any Christmas treats for friends and family. Hence, I still have a full supply of treat sacks. I also have a fairly good backlog of outdoor lights to replace any that might die in the future-though my supply of "red" is dwindling. Two or three of the strands I used this year are already half-dead right now. I think one of them croaked in the tiny window between testing it and putting it on the Christmas Camellia bushes!

I never got the silhouette lights up inside the house this year, and I had to beg the help of The Boy to get the outside ones up (mainly, the ones along the roofline). That's how it's been for years, because even when HalfshellHusband isn't recovering from an injury, he's too unsteady to be up on a ladder anymore. And since I am (of course!) the shortest person in the family, that particular chore is tough for me. Most of that roofline is recessed over flowerbeds full of large plants, so it's hard for me to get the ladder close enough to reach all the areas I need to. Our son usually doesn't complain about helping, but this year was all, "Why are we even bothering? They're only going to be up for a week or so." And I was just, WHAT?!? When have we ever taken the lights down right after Christmas? You little Scrooge. :O

The roofline lights are only about 25% of the total effort, too, so you know... I could be asking for more help, even though I always do the rest myself! Geez.

All right, off to get a cup of tea and read in earnest. :D

my_kids, hsh, me, random

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