Octobuddy Update

Sep 30, 2020 02:07

Just in case you've been waiting for news on our rubbery, immersible, self-growing friend...

It's been two weeks now since I first put this creature in water, and he hasn't gotten any bigger in the last couple of days, so I think it's fair to say he's reached his maximum size.

I might be a little disappointed? I mean, the label said he'd grow 600% (i.e., 6 times larger). So I was hoping for huge, creepy, RAWR-I-will-crush-your-puny-boat-Mwah-ha-ha-ha-HAAAAAH! things. \o?

But as our son pointed out, the projected size-increase could refer to his fatness as well as his length. And honestly, with other grow-it-yourself creatures, it usually does. (Darned if I don't wish I knew where I put that growable vampire a few years ago, since I never tried him out and I bought him because of the absurdity. *ahem*). The Homeropus (as I've decided to call him) is definitely much bigger and fatter than he originally was. Also rubbery, in case you were wondering. And? I mistakenly hit the "Google links" button on my phone when I was taking pictures of him, and Google decided he might be a bunch of bananas instead. :O

Here's the final size comparison:

Today (Day 16) Day 1

Measured (about 9" in diameter) | Top View Closeup | Textured Underside With Serial #

Now he's out of the water, where he'll stay for as long as the evaporation process takes. The slow reversal begins... :D

octobuddy, random

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