Jun 08, 2020 00:58

So, the current LJ Idol poll for this week's stories is a community-only vote. BUT, it's a community anyone can join!

If you've ever found yourself thinking, "You know, talented people are not giving me enough free stuff," then LJ Idol is worth checking out. During an active season (which usually runs about 5-9 months), a prompt is given about once a week, and then participants have until the deadline to write and post fiction or non-fiction entries for that prompt. Then there's a reading and voting period for those entries, followed by a new prompt.

There is always lots of good stuff to read for each poll, and the variety of approaches the writers use is impressive. Free stories for your entertainment!

Joining the community (click on the user-icon for that choice) lets you vote for stories like mine this week, and can also make you aware of fun discussions in the Green Room, and what the new prompts are and when they're due. It might even tempt you to try entering as a writer at some point!

This community has brought me a lot of fun, challenge, and opportunity, plus a whole new world of writing/reading friends. It always, always needs new members to help keep it alive, and I hope you'll take a moment to become one of them!

pimpity, psa of dooom

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