I M. The Night...

Jan 21, 2019 00:53

We saw Glass last night, and liked it better than most of the critics. That was also true for Split. People were floating the idea a while back of having an award for "Best Performance in a Bad Film," to highlight the phenomenal job James McAvoy did in "Split." But neither of us thought that was a bad movie. There was quite a bit of drama in it (as opposed to mainly horror), and some psychological depth to the main character's story (and she was brave and resilient too).

There are elements of that to Glass, as well. And the end credits for James McAvoy will make you smile.

Full disclosure, BTW: HalfshellHusband gave up trying to process and retain Shyamalan's last name years ago, and now just refers to him as "M. Night Shillelagh" (which I never knew was spelled like THAT. Holy cow). I suspect he is not alone. ;)


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