... because our son is having his "squad" of friends over for one of their epic slumber parties tonight. One friend is leaving to go to Mexico tomorrow, another two go to Europe and Mexico next week, and then the gradual migration to various colleges begins. So, tonight is their last chance for a get-together
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My dad said that turkeys mate all year round instead of seasonally, so they can reproduce pretty quickly if they have a mind to. I'm starting to think their major predator around here is motor vehicles. :O
The sleepover went well, other than it being kind of hot. I thought the girlfriend thing was weird, though the guys were okay with it. But it was worse than I thought, in that the guy said he would not come unless he could bring his girlfriend, which is rude. This is someone Christopher has known since second grade, and their friendship has waxed and waned over the years (some bullying streaks that manifested themselves in digging comments). The kid seems easy-going, but he has a passive aggressive streak that I don't enjoy. He's also had some problems with drugs, which is more alarming. :O
I'm kind of glad he'll be on the far coast over the next few years.
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