Original Fiction: "Dancing Shoes"

May 31, 2016 12:22

Title: Dancing Shoes
Fandom: Traditional Fairytales
Rating: G
Summary: Sweet slumber eludes them all.
Author's Notes: For the writerverse challenge #4 Bingo Table of Doom, this is "Till the Street Lights Came On."


Spirited away from their beds each night, they slipped through the secret door and down the stairs into the world below.

Whose summons they heeded did not matter, and the lack of wanting changed nothing. Night after night, the princesses made the journey underground, traveling through strange forests and across a river to dance with princes from some unknown other kingdom.

Each day, they were wearier than the last.

Why it began and whether it would end, they did not know. Perhaps some knight or wizard might find them and set things right.

Perhaps that had already happened, and this was the result:

Not the mercy so desperately wished for, but a punishment in the guise of gaiety.


original_fiction, writerverse

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