Title: Victory With A Side Of Fries
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam and Dean (Gen, Crackfic)
Rating: PG
Summary: This could be a follow-on to
this CrackFic from a few months back. The adventure continues… I’m thinking maybe a series of CrackFic adventures would be good.
Author’s Notes: Written for the supernatural100 “Dialogue Only” challenge. There were bonus points for marking the characters without using their names. Hope I succeeded, based on “voice” alone.
“God, that was awesome. Another win for the Winchesters.”
“Back there. The mind-control dude. We vaporized his ass!”
“You mean the guy that got away? After he choked you to the ground and hypnotized you with his creepy painted-on eyes?”
“Dude, what are you smoking? I pulverized him. Now, let’s eat. I see a Jack-in-the-Box ahead.”
“Aha! He did get you!”
“He didn’t ‘get’ me. I put in a hard afternoon. And now I’m hungry.”
“Whatever. Loser.”
“I heard that!”
“And? You’re the man-bitch of a ping-pong-ball-headed alien…”
“Am not! Ooh-Chicken Ciabatta.”
“I rest my case… loser.”
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