Supernatural Gen Drabble: "Closing The Circle" (G)

Feb 09, 2013 18:24

Title: Closing The Circle
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Dean, Sam (Gen, Drabble)
Rating: G
Summary (Season 1): A sideways interpretation of perfection.
Author's Notes: A writerverse entry for the prompt, "There are ghosts by the reservoir."


Mist-or something more-rose from the reservoir. There were ghosts nearby, and whether or not anyone could see them made no difference to their victims.

Sam had a headful of notes, and Dean had a shotgun full of rock salt. The moon was full.

"There!" Sam said, and Dean blasted the swarm of vapor heading their way.

"You were supposed to threaten it, Dean, so it would lead us to its grave!"

"Eh." Dean loaded another round. "It'll be back."

Dean was in no hurry. He had Sam again, and he'd be happy to do this all night long.

----- fin -----

spn_s1_fic, writerverse, my_fic, sn_gen, drabbles

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