Title: Transitions
Fandom: Original Fiction
Author: HalfshellVenus
Rating: G
Summary: Hope comes and goes. Sometimes it is reborn.
Author's Notes: For
writers_choice ("Seasons change"). I'd intended this to be for a contest, not realizing the limit was 140 characters and not 140 words. :o
We walk through the rustle of fiery leaves by Linden Pond, past that iron bench where we met. We were so young then, so sure our futures would be amazing. Janice still dreamed of painting every aspect of the sky, and I was halfway through a doctoral thesis of unparalleled brilliance.
Our youth and our love made us brazen.
Later, struggling to pay off student loans with Janice's earnings as a graphic artist, we grew bitter and weary. The atmosphere in our apartment was cold as Siberian tundra, our conversations nothing more than cascading accusations.
We divorced a year ago, strangers until today. Janice's mother died; I am the passing approximation of a friend.
We began here once, not knowing our future was merely a fable. But as I steady Janice along, I realize our story is not over yet.
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