Title: A Cinnamon Siren Song
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam/Dean (Slash)
Rating: PG
Summary: Winchester-style breakfast in bed.
Author's Notes: A drabble for
deirdre_c, who requested exactly this.
Also for
writers_choice ("Breakfast").
Dean woke to the smell of cinnamon and coffee, half-expecting to find himself lying in a diner, courtesy of the Trickster.
"Hi," Sam said, close and warm and perfect.
Dean rolled toward that sound and the smile it promised. He sat up and moved back against the headboard, next to where Sam sat with the morning paper.
"What brought this on?" Dean asked, slowly stroking Sam's leg.
"Someone's got to spoil you. Might as well be me."
Dean grinned. "I like this plan."
He pulled Sam down for a kiss. "Let's get started. I'm hungry enough for two breakfasts, today."
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