Title: All for You
Fandom: White Collar
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Peter, Mozzie, Neal (Gen, Humor)
Rating: PG
Summary (S1): Enemies, co-conspirators, friends of friends… sometimes, the lines got blurred.
Author's Notes: An Australian Flood Auction Fic for
Also for
writers_choice ("Plan").
'Neal said you wanted to talk to me...' )
Comments 31
And I want cake.
Working on this story made me want cake again and again... and that sure hasn't changed. Except I want the kind with major frosting, instead. THe lowbrow box mix chocolate cake, but with homemade frosting.
Thanks for reading!
I find Mozzie and Peter together kind of irresistible, mostly because Mozzie makes things so much harder than they have to be... and he just can't help it. If he trusted Peter more, he wouldn't be Mozzie.
But for Neal's sake, even Mozzie can bend a little.
It's funny, this is a friendship-fic where Peter and Mozzie's feeling for Neal are more reflected than direct, but it wanted to be written that way. And Peter vs. Mozzie is too good to pass up.
I'm so glad you liked it, and if you have any particular ideas or prompts for the next one, please let me know! ♥
I don't have any specifics in mind for the next one, but I know I'll love whatever you come up with!
It isn't in Neal's or Mozzie's best interests to reveal those kinds of details, and Peter's smart enough to know that about them both.
but when they kind of gang up on him it's incredibly cute.
Neal doesn't stand a chance against the two of them together, and they're so much fun together-- mainly because of how Mozzie is, and the fact that he can't help it. I loved him waking up in the hospital after being shot, suddenly all panicked that his real name might be on his ID bracelet. Years of work down the drain while he was unconcious. Luckily, Neal was looking out for him. ;)
Thanks for reading-- I'm so glad you enjoyed this!
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