Title: Now Scattered To The Winds
Fandom: Terminator: SCC
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: John Connor (Gen)
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Summary: John Connor never expected to meet his future quite so soon.
Author's Notes: Written for
tvnetwork1_las and the prompt of "Stranded."
Also for
writers_choice, this is "neither here nor there".
This was the one place John Connor knew he shouldn't be... )
Comments 11
I never expect to write more SCC fic, but sometimes the challenge prompt seem to pic the setting for you. With "stranded" as the prompt, that so perfectly seemed to describe the aftermath of the S2 finale and where John found himself.
Trapped in the future isn't something you expect to ever happen, even with the life John had growing up.
Thanks for reading!
I've written his mother's side of the "aftermath," but the prompt for the Last Author Standing challenge really brought John's situation to mind more than anything-- including out of a fairly large choice of fandoms.
After all the traveling he's done, jumping through time and time again, it was never supposed to end where he found himself in the show's finale. And how can he possibly hope to go back without revealing who he is, and risking everyone's future along with his own?
The finale did answer many of the lingering questions the show had raised, such as what Catherine Weaver was really up to, or why Cameron had that period where she thought she was someone named Allison.
But it also opened the door to so many interesting new possibilities, and I so badly wanted to see where they would go. For awhile, I harbored the fantasy that a cable network might pick up this show (and "Reaper," which was cancelled in the same year). But sadly... no.
Sometimes, the more unusual the show and the better the writing, the less audiences and its own sponsors understand it. :(
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