Title: Break Out The Ammo And Eggnog
Fandom: Burn Notice
Author: HalfshellVenus
Characters: Sam, Michael, Fiona (Gen)
Rating: PG
Summary: Not your typical celebration, but close enough.
Author's Notes: For
usanetwork_las and the prompt of "What X really wanted for Christmas."
Also for
writers_choice ("Gift").
It was ten o'clock on Christmas morning, and Michael and Fi were arguing in the kitchen... )
Comments 15
I'm not fond of Christmas stories either (writing OR reading), and when I got this writing prompt, I kind of blanched. :0
That you found it successful and moving after all of that was a joy to hear. Thank you!
I agree completely about Maddie's cooking and the cigarette smoke!
The way everyone is afraid of her cookies is very telling. Who doesn't (ordinarily) like homemade cookies? :0
Sam seemed like a great choice for this prompt, because we all know what Michael really wants (it comes up nearly every week), and I've written often enough about what Fi wants. But Sam has a deeper side than we usually see, and he's so much fun to write in general!
Oh, heavens no. It's hard enough for me to write a Christmas OR birthday story, but that kind of story on top of it... just isn't in me! I'd have to hang up my NoRo hat for good. ;)
I'm glad you weren't disappointed with where things went. I love Sam, and of all the people who might have a "hidden" and non-obvious Christmas wish, he seemed the best choice. Plus, another chance to write his POV! There's no downside to that. :D
Michael and Fi's kitchen semi-disaster seemed perfect for them, because Michael's pretty far out of his element and Fi probably isn't enjoying the pressure, and between the two of them that makes for two Type-A personalities generating friction instead of cooperation. ;)
And I'm so glad you noticed Sam's gifts. I think he is far more thoughtful than he usually likes people to believe (just as he's smarter than he often lets on), and he really is a true-blue friend. Love him.
I'm thrilled that you liked this one so much. It was a tough one to write-- exactly the kind of prompt that gives me fits, because Christmas/birthday stories are so often a recipe for shmaltz and I kind of have an aversion to the whole idea!
Hee, I can so picture them having a fight over the meal, too. And Michael insisting there aren't enough herbs in it, etc.
I know, that's why I'm disappointed the only time we've ever seen Sam give gifts was in the Michael's birthday ep. And then he gave him a five-pack. Yes, he's so my favorite.
You did perfectly - sometimes it's hard to balance out the snark/action/angst of a show like this with a Christmas story, and you definitely did it!
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